
“In Lieu of” Campaign Update

Our goal for this “In Lieu of” campaign was at least 50% participation and $5,000 by November 15th.  As of November 15th, 18 Chapters have donated at total of $2,825.00. Gifts have ranged from $50 to $500 – just think what the amount...

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La ARMA Nostra Grants Issued

The Foundation (ARMA International Educational Foundation-AIEF) is pleased to announce the 2017 La ARMA Nostra reimbursement grant winners. Sandra Bates is a member of the ARMA Saskatchewan Chapter. “As an information management...

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2017 Access Leadership Scholars Awards

Access and the ARMA International Educational Foundation are proud to announce the 2017 recipients of the Access Leadership Scholar Program: Brett Wise of North Carolina and James Carpenter of Florida. In June 2017, both organizations...

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