Originally written by by Virginia Jones, CRM, FAI (2010) [Originally funded by the Greater Washington DC ARMA Chapter]; Updated by Mary Margaret Fletcher, University of Pittsburgh (2012) [Funded by the Foundation]; Updated by Virginia Jones, CRM, FAI (2017) [Funded by the Foundation].
This guide is a compilation of key U.S. national and international records management standards, guidelines, and technical reports available for use in and by U.S. records and information management practitioners. It is not all-inclusive. Standards, guidelines, and technical reports for specific industry groups, such as legal profession, real estate, or banking, are not included, nor are quality control standards for imaging systems. The standards, guidelines, and technical reports that have been included were selected for their universal usefulness for most or all U.S. RIM programs. The purpose of this compilation is to offer a categorized list of pertinent standards and best practices to assist in determining those that meet the needs of the organization. This paper is meant to help the average RIM practitioner decide which standards apply to their programs.
Each standard or guideline includes a brief description, usually a summary of the published Scope or Purpose when available. The pertinent preservation standards have been included for reference by those RIM practitioners responsible for legacy micrographic programs or archived micrographic records.
Click to download: RIM STANDARDS_UPDATE 2017