Died March, 2006
In March, 2006, the Metro New York Chapter of ARMA lost a dear friend and colleague, Caryl Masyr Smith. The chapter has set up this memorial in her honor.
Caryl Masyr Smith was a recognized expert in computerized information and records management. She designed and established numerous manual and automated records operations, including database management systems, full-text retrieval systems, bar-coding applications, and electronic image management systems for major corporations, law firms, and non-profit organizations throughout the country.
Prior to her death, she had been a senior vice president of the New York City Economic Development Corporation. Prior to joining that organization, Caryl Masyr Smith had been president and co-founder of PiperEve, Inc., a New York City based information and records management firm; director of the Information Management Services division of Archer Management Services; and founder and president of Framework for Information, Inc.
Caryl Masyr Smith has also served as adjunct professor at Pratt Institute’s School of Information and Library Science, as well as a visiting professor at the University of Hawaii’s Graduate School of Library and Information Studies. She was a frequent speaker at national conferences and professional associations, and the co-author of Space Planning in the Special Library (Special Libraries Association, 1991). In addition, her articles on records and information management appear regularly in numerous professional journals.
Caryl Masyr Smith served on the Board of Directors of the Metro New York City Chapter of the Association of Records Managers and Administrators (ARMA), and was also the organization’s education chair. In addition, she served on the Board of Directors of Beta Phi Mu, the International Library Science Academic Honor Society. She received a master of library science from Pratt Institute.
Friends and associates of Caryl Masyr Smith are encouraged to contact the Foundation Coordinator to add information to this record.
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